By Lawrence Wm. Goldfarb ©1993, 1994 All rights reserved.
It was about to happen, that moment, that dreaded moment. I was at my friend Marcello’s birthday party; I had been enjoying the Brazilian music when one of the other guests engaged me in a friendly conversation. We discussed the usual things, such as the weather and how we each knew the guest of honor. Peter had just finished telling me about his research in engineering when it happened:
“What do you for a living?”
“I’m a Feldenkrais®teacher.”
“Feldenkrais. It is a method of movement re-education, named after the man who developed it, Moshe Feldenkrais.”
“Close, but not quite. It’sFeldenkrais:
F - E - L - D - E - N - K - R - A - I - S.
It rhymes with rice.”
F - E - L - D - E - N - K - R - A - I - S.
It rhymes with rice.”
“Exactly. The Feldenkrais Method is a way to teach movement. I work with people who have physical limitations, such as chronic pain or neurological problems, or with people who want to improve their performance, like actors, musicians, or athletes. I also teach classes in the physical education program at the University.”