Monday, May 19, 2008

'Now just memorize that list...'

I can still remember my french teacher asking us to memorize our vocabulary every day. I can remember what she looked like, and exactly what her voice sounded like. Unfortunately I can't remember the vocabulary. I can also remember just how frustrated I was that I had no idea 'how' to memorize the vocabulary. I'd usually get about 70% out of good luck, but I was clueless about how to intentionally get that number any higher. There are many aspects to learning and memorization. One factor is when you study something and when you do subsequent review sessions. Here's a fascinating article about some of the research that's been done over the years on timed reviews and some software that's been developed to help this process called Supermemo.


Article Link-Supermemo/Wazniak

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Awareness Test

This is a fascinating awareness test that someone pointed out to me. Love to hear how people do with it. (It's a good one during the NBA playoffs!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Finding Center

There are many ways to center oneself. In this piece I’ll mention several ways to center your self. First and foremost, I hope you can begin to notice the many places where you already do this in your life. Also, perhaps you can find some new things to explore. As they say, all roads lead to Rome and certainly many roads lead back to one's center.

There are many practices that explore different methods of centering. Aikido, yoga, mediation, dance, self-hypnosis and tai chi are just a few modalities that explore this topic in depth and with their own subtleties.

For myself, being centered means being in a calm and alert state of mind and body where I’m able to respond well to whatever comes up in my life at the moment. My breathing is calm and my posture, whether seated or standing is fairly straight. I’m not leaning forward or backward or to either side.

At first glance, centering may not seem particularly interesting or useful. In time I’ve come to find it an incredibly useful resource state from which to respond to life and various challenges that may arise from time to time.

Here are a few things to try out if you’re new to the idea of centering or meditation. Take a moment to center your posture as I mentioned above. Allow your spine to be upright and relaxed as opposed to stiff. Notice your breathing and allow yourself to breath fully in and out in a relaxed way. I recommend keeping your eyes open and lightly focused in front of you. Take a moment to notice what’s in front of you and in your peripheral vision.

Notice if you’re leaning forward, back or to one side and bring yourself back to the middle. I like to imagine grass and how it’s able to sway in the wind and then find it’s way back to a nice resting place. Notice if you’re standing on your heals or the balls of your feet. Take a moment to try out both of these and then find a place in the middle.

If you notice yourself thinking about anything in particular, simply watch the thought as opposed to getting caught up in the particular thought itself. Is your thinking fast, slow, calm or turbulent. Take a moment to come back to the sensations in your body and in your breath.

If this is all new to you, you may want to take 5 or so minutes a day to play with this until you begin to get used to the process of slowing down and becoming centered. In other posts I’ll discuss many ways you can explore this in the context of change work. Also, feel free to contact me if you’d like other suggestion about how to play with this or other resources for exploring this.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Charlie Badenhop-Seishindo

Whenever I visit Japan I have the privilege of visiting with my good friend Charlie Badenhop. Charlie has a background in NLP, Hypnosis and years of studying and being an instructor of Aikido. Charlie is one of the most skilled change work practitioners I know. His work, Seishindo is a wonderful combination and expansion of these various modalities. What I've observed in seeing Charlie work with individuals and working with me is that he interacts with the person both verbally with great skill and by responding to and working with the person's physical presence. One thing that I've taken from my experience of Charlie's work is the belief that centering the body and the thinking mind has a tremendous capacity to heal the overall system and bring new solutions and insights to whatever challenges a person is facing.

I highly recommend visiting Charlie's site which is also in my link list. The site has pages of wonderful material and many practices that you can try out for yourself. Charlie also has a great newsletter where he shares insights and exercises on a regular basis.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stephen Gilligan

This is a video of Stephen Gilligan being interviewed from YouTube. Steve's work is incredibly rich. I highly recommend going to a training with him if you have the opportunity. Although this video is a bit of a promotion, it's a treat to get to see him. Steve has developed a way of working with people that moves well beyond his background in NLP and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Feldenkrais Video

This is a video that provides some of the background information on the Feldenkrais Method. It's quite good and you get to see some of Moshe's first students and footage of Moshe teaching. I highly recommend it especially if you're unfamiliar with this excellent work.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


By Lawrence Wm. Goldfarb ©1993, 1994 All rights reserved.
It was about to happen, that moment, that dreaded moment. I was at my friend Marcello’s birthday party; I had been enjoying the Brazilian music when one of the other guests engaged me in a friendly conversation. We discussed the usual things, such as the weather and how we each knew the guest of honor. Peter had just finished telling me about his research in engineering when it happened:
“What do you for a living?”
“I’m a Feldenkrais®teacher.”
Feldenkrais. It is a method of movement re-education, named after the man who developed it, Moshe Feldenkrais.”
“Close, but not quite. It’sFeldenkrais:
F - E - L - D - E - N - K - R - A - I - S.
It rhymes with rice.”
“Exactly. The Feldenkrais Method is a way to teach movement. I work with people who have physical limitations, such as chronic pain or neurological problems, or with people who want to improve their performance, like actors, musicians, or athletes. I also teach classes in the physical education program at the University.”
“What do you teach?”
“Usually my students come to me because they are experiencing some kind of limitation, something that is interfering with daily life or obstructing progress or performance. My job is to figure out how they are moving, how that relates to the problem that they are experiencing, and how they could move differently enough so that problem wouldn’t continue.”
“Sounds interesting. Is it some kind of exercise? Or do you show people how to correct their posture?”
“Well, it’s not that easy to answer, mostly because what I teach, and how I teach, is pretty different than exercise or posture. Both of these are based on similar assumptions: If you are weak, then you should exercise to strengthen your muscles. If, on the other hand you think bad posture causes your problem, then you should correct it and stand up straight. Both assume that the body is something that must be molded, should be reshaped, put in its proper place. Neither gives you the chance to see that what you are doing might contibute to the problem you face. Neither approach looks at how you move and how that could relate to the problem you are experiencing.”
“Are you saying that people shouldn’t exercise?”
“No. I’m not saying that. I am saying that exercise alone isn’t enough. The idea behind exercise is that you are not strong enough, that your muscles need to be in better condition. So an exercise program is designed to increase the ability of muscles to work. I think this is often a mistaken view, because the problems that I deal with – chronic pain, neurological difficulties, obstacles to performance – do not have to do with how strong the person is, they all have to do with the way someone moves overall. I guess you could say, I am interested in people moving smarter, not stronger.”
“Are you saying that movement can cause problems?”
“Yes, I am. The way that you move can cause problems. What’s more interesting is that you can be unaware that the movement is at the root of the problem.”
“What do you mean by being unaware of movement being the cause of the problem?”
“Most of us are unaware of how we move. We pay attention to where we are going or what we are doing, not to how we move. For example, think about how you stand up from sitting. How do you do it? What happens? What moves when?”
Peter stands up and sits back down a few times, saying, “I see what you mean. It is more complex than I expected. Usually, I think of standing up and then, next thing I know, I am standing. I guess I have never thought much about it before.”
“That’s what I mean. Most of us don’t think about our bodies until we experience pain or some kind of problem. But that means that we could have been moving in an inefficient or dangerous way for a long time by the time we notice something is wrong. This is one place were the saying ‘If it works, don’t fix it’ doesn’t apply.”
“But why is that? Why don’t we notice?”
“Because our movements become habitual, automatic. We repeat the same movements over and over, without thinking or noticing. When something happens repeatedly, it drops from our consciousness. This isn’t necessarily bad, it is a part of the process of learning.”
“Does that mean we learn to move in inefficient ways?”
“Well, because we move only as well as we’ve learned to move and our learning to move is very haphazard. There are many things that influence how we move: childhood development, accommodations to previous injuries, the requirements of specialized activities we engage in (such as sports, musical instruments, or work motions). Finally, since we don’t really understand how our bodies move, we often move in ways that don’t fit with the way we are put together.”
“Can you give me an example?”
“Certainly. People think that the body hinges at the waist and they move as if that were so. Unfortunately, the lower back does not allow for that kind of motion; the design of hip joints is what allows the torso to do that. The muscles of the back are not designed for that movement.”
“I see. Moving as if your back were made to hinge at the waist can lead to back strain and pain.”
“That’s it, you understand. But, anyway, I have taken enough of your time with this. Sorry, I can get carried away talking about my work.”
“Not at all, this is very interesting. It sure beats the normal party chatter. My mom has had chronic back pain for years, so I’m curious about your work. I was going to ask you what you could do for her.”
“It’s not easy to say because I would have to see how she moves.”
“Can you say generally what you would do when you start working with someone?”
“Yes, I can describe what would happen if she were to come to see me. I would begin by looking at her move, asking her to turn right and left, bend forward, back and to each side. I would put my hands on her to feel which muscles were working, which muscles weren’t engaging, and which ones weren’t letting go. I would look for some kind of habit or pattern that interferes with other movements.”
“You lost me there. What do you mean when you say ‘a pattern that interferes with other movements?”
“What I mean by that is that it often seems as if people have gotten stuck doing a movement or holding themselves, unconsciously, in certain way. For instance, if you injure your leg, you change how you walk and you begin to limp. The limp may be appropriate immediately after an injury, but it can last much longer than the injury. If it continues longer than it’s needed, it can lead directly to pain, stiffness, and other problems. But that’s just one example; you can limp with your shoulder, your neck, or your back. Indeed, you don’t have to injure yourself to develop this kind of movement. You can acquire a similar habit playing a musical instrument, repeating work movements day in and day out, playing certain kinds of sports, and so on. The key is that you develop a movement pattern that you get stuck with, a pattern that underlies every movement, interferes with any activity that runs counter to it.”
“Go on.”
“For instance, I was recently working with a bus driver who had recurring back pain. When I looked at her movement, it became quite clear that the muscles of the lower trunk were chronically contracted and that her back was locked stiff. Even when she tried to stretch, she could not get her lower back to let go. It was as if she had lost control of those muscles. She thought her back was supposed to be straight, so after her first bout of back pain, many years earlier, she had taught herself to keep her back flat. When she moved her trunk, she overused the muscles of her upper back, so they had begun to hurt constantly. Though the doctor could find no disease, the bus driver still thought something was wrong with her spine. I could help see that it was her movement that was causing the problem.”
“Once she saw that, could she change what she was doing?”
“Not immediately. You see, over the years, she had lost touch with what those muscles were doing. It was as if she was on automatic pilot and she had forgotten how to regain manual control.”
“So what do you do about that? I think it would be incredibly frustrating to understand the cause of the problem and not be able to do anything about it.”
“That’s where the method comes into play. There are two ways in which I work with people: in hands-on individual lessons and in group lessons. Both ways of working are based on the idea of teaching people to be aware of how they are moving, how they can move, and to increase their options and comfort. During the group lessons, I talk people through a sequence of gentle movements; during the individual lessons, I use my hands to move the student.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Not at all. TheFeldenkrais Method is gentle. The idea is that you will change most easily if the new movements are more comfortable than the old ones. I like to say that our motto is ‘No pain, MORE gain.’”
“Is this like massage or chiropractic?”
“Not exactly. The similarity is that we touch people, but beyond that it is very different. In massage, the practitioner is working directly with the muscles, in chiropractic, with the bones. The Feldenkrais Method is about working with your ability to regulate and coordinate your movement; that means that theFeldenkrais Method is about working with the nervous system.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, remember the bus driver I mentioned. Her muscles were tight because her nervous system told them to contract. They didn’t decide to tighten on their own, muscles don’t think for themselves. The brain tells them what to do. So my job is to help the person learn to control her or his muscles again. I do that using very gentle guided movements, staying in the range of ease at all times.”
“Pretty amazing. You really think people can change without hurting?”
“Absolutely. That’s one of the reason I love what I do.”
“But wait, my mom has some kind of problem with her discs. WouldFeldenkrais cure her?”
” The Feldenkrais Methodisn’t about curing or fixing people. It isn’t a medical treatment, it’s an educational approach. It’s about helping people get control back into their lives by understanding why they feel the way they do and by learning how to move differently so that they don’t have to keep feeling that way. Even when someone has an organic problem or disease, I can help them. For instance, when I work with people who have arthritis, my job isn’t to get rid of the disease, my job is to help them move so that they don’t stress the effected joints and so that they can find more comfortable, safer, ways to do what they want to do. Same thing applies to disc problems – even when there is a structural problem, the question is how can the person move in a better way, so that they increase their comfort and avoid future problems.”
“Oh, oh. They are lighting the candles. Can we talk more after the festivities. . .”