Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Plan To Fail!!

It's the start of the new year and many people set off with resolutions in hand ready to take on the world. For many people, a few weeks into January is when cracks in the well laid plans begin to show up. Perhaps it's not following through and going to the gym, or not eating just a little bit more sensibly.

Although you may not have done exactly what you set out to do, this isn't the end of the world unless you decide that's the case. Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP mentioned something really interesting years ago. To paraphrase, he said that people should incorporate some failing along the way to reaching their goals. Most people can count on falling off their plans at some point, so you may as well plan on it. If you do, you can also plan to get back on track.

When people fall off of their plan, many define this as failure and stop. Instead, if you define it as a setback, or part of the overall process, you can pick it up again the next day and get moving again.

I love this shot of Andy Murray. Andy had come unbeliveably close to winning a major in tennis again and again. He had 4 runner ups before finally winning his first major. He was the first playing from the UK to win a major in 76 years. Not bad.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mr W.

This is a wonderful little piece. Beyond being a clever short commercial, it really speaks to significance of a person finding their unique talents or calling in the world.